São Paulo School of Judges History and activities

São Paulo School of Judges is the research and education body of the judicial system in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. It was established by the Federal Constitution in 1988 (Art. 93, II, letter “c”), and was implemented by the Resolution 24 of the Plenary of São Paulo Court of Justice. The several specific statutory duties of the School and its Board address to a few broad categories:

The Director of São Paulo School of Judges chairs the Center´s Board, which also includes the vice-director, another six Justices and one Judge, all from São Paulo Court of Justice. Since its founding, the School has had fifteen directors. Justice Francisco Eduardo Loureiro became director in 2018. Justice Luís Francisco Aguilar Cortez is the current vice-director. The current board is composed of Justices Aroldo Mendes Viotti, Eduardo Cortez de Freitas Gouvêa, Francisco José Galvão Bruno, Hermann Herschander, Milton Paulo de Carvalho Filho and Tasso Duarte de Melo, as well as Judge Gilson Delgado Miranda.

Currently, there are approximate 2,400 Judges at São Paulo Court of Justice, and 43,000 Court employees. Therefore, due to its impressive number of Judges, since 2000, the School has implemented post-graduation courses.

Nowadays, the School is focused on the continuing education of Judges since the beginning of their careers with continuous improvement courses. The other focus addresses to courses for Judges, Court employees and lawyers, which includes post-graduation courses in all areas of Law, short courses and seminars. The final goal is the improvement of the administration of justice.

The Professors at the School are mostly Justices and Judges with an academic background, as well as Professors of the best universities in the country. The School also encourages courses all over the State, and also comprises regular publications of law journals and reviews.

Web-based programs

In order to reach the maximum number of Judges and Court employees, the School, since 2006, has established several web-based courses. Currently, many of these programs may be accessed on tablets and smart-phones not only in the State of São Paulo, but also the whole country. Some courses have the possibility of being simultaneously broadcasted to more than 5,400 students.

The School also seeks to strengthen its threads with other foreign judicial academies and universities all over the world. The International Affairs area is responsible for such contact. Recently, the School has celebrated a M.O.U. with the Academy for the Judiciary, Taiwan, as well as other respected universities in the United States, such as Washington College of Law, Boston College of Law, the University of Illinois, California Western Law School, and Samford University among many others.

For further information, please contact the School or its Coordinators of International Affairs:


e-mail: epm@tjsp.jus.br

Telephone: +55-11-3257-2019


e-mail: csantini@tjsp.jus.br


e-mail: monodera@tjsp.jus.br

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